Category Archives: Learning About Oneself

18 Ways to Show Your Kids they are Special and Loved

In today’s hustle and bustle of work, soccer games and dance class we need a reminder to take a break from the daily chaos of  life  and  let your little ones know just how SPECIAL and LOVED they really are.  Here are a few ways to have fun and make your child feel really special.

1.    Spend time alone with each of your children. Go out to lunch, take a leisurely walk, or just hang out together letting them know you value them as individuals.

2.    Nurture self-esteem and self-confidence by praising good effort and a job well done, not just results.

3.    Celebrate everyday accomplishments. Make a special desert or fun snack with your child to celebrate losing a tooth, making the soccer team, getting an A on a science paper, and more.

4.    Teach children to think positive by being positive. Instead of noting how dirty they are when they come in for dinner, say, “Looks like you had a great time!”

5.    Read “just one more book” even if it’s late and you’re tired.  And don’t forget to read to older children who already know how to read themselves. It’s a great opportunity to snuggle.

6.    Get out the photo albums and their baby books and tell your children stories about their beginnings.

7.    Tell them how wonderful it is being their parent and how much you like the way they’re growing up.

8.    Get messy with your kids: Make snow angels, put your hands in the finger-paint, and mush up that clay.

9.    Get to know their schedules, friends, and teachers so you can ask, “Did you and Sam sit together at lunch today?” or “What did Mr. Rogers sing in music class?” instead of simply, “What did you do today?”

10.  Stop washing the dishes and talking on the phone and really listen when they are talking to you.

11.  Teach your children to play jacks, use a yo-yo, knit, or do something you loved as a child. Or let your child choose something new you can learn together.

12.  Cut their sandwiches into shapes with cookie cutter hearts and stars.

13.  Slip little love notes, jokes, poems, and words of encouragement into your children’s lunchboxes, backpacks, or next to their beds (if you leave before they wake up), just to let them know you’re thinking about them all day long.

14.  Wear the “jewels” your children make for you and display their artwork proudly in a special, visible place.

15.  Instead of saying, “You’re doing it wrong,” when your child makes a mistake, try saying “Why don’t you try it this way.”

16.  Create a secret word, sign, or gesture of affection that only you and your child share.

17.  Forget about yesterday. Start each day fresh. It’s a new opportunity to have a better relationship with your children and to fall in love with them all over again.

18.  Hug them, kiss them, and say, “I love you” every day, no matter what. Kids thrive on it and it’s a daily fix we all need no matter what our age!

This article was revised from Ladies Home Journal article written by Bethany Kandel she is the mother of two sons and the author of The Expert Parent: Everything You Need to Know From All the Experts in The Know (Pocket Books, 1997).











Know your PREP Boy

Here are some characteristics you might observe in your Prep boy.  Knowing these might help you anticipate their needs and help you understand our kids a little better and anticipate their needs.   =)

Physical Development

  • Prefers play to anything else

  • Develops physical dexterity

  • Becomes more in doing certain activities like bathing and eating

  • Improves writing and drawing abilities

  • Acquires varied interests

Emotional Development

  • Expresses his feelings spontaneously

  • Develops the concept of right and wrong

  • Develops self-image and self-esteem

  • Compares self with others

  • Imitates what is seen or heard from the significant others around him

Mental Development

  • Explores his environment

  • Learns best by doing

  • Asks questions about things, people, and events

  • Enjoys being read to

  • Makes his own stories using words and expressions heard from par

Social Development

  • Seeks companionship of other children

  • Prefers to play with same sex

  • Starts to recognize situations that may be dangerous to him thus, starts to limit himself

  • Enjoys joining in the activities of older children but excludes the younger ones from the group

Spiritual Development

  • Begins to discover God’s love through parents and people around him

  • Marvels at God’s greatness as manifested by the beautiful world he lives in

  • Makes short but personal prayers of praise and thanksgiving to God, our Father

  • Starts to be aware of the presence of people who are in need of his help

  • Learns best by doing


Guidance Topic of the Week: LEARNING ABOUT ONESELF

Our topic for Guidance period this week is LEARNING ABOUT ONESELF. I will be posting articles and videos regarding this topic. Feel free to write comments, ask questions, and even share links to other articles relevant to this topic. Thanks! =)